Producing high soybean yields begins with establishing an even stand of vigorous plants. Producers have often overplanted to compensate for stand losses due to poor seed quality, seedling diseases, adverse environmental conditions or other problems which reduce stand establishment, plant health, emergence and vigor. Unfortunately, there is much we do not know about these factors and as the price of seed continues to rise, seedling diseases increase the cost of production.
In 2012, OMAFRA along with the GFO who obtained funding from Agricultural and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) which is administered by the Agricultural Adaption Council (AAC) has allowed us to participate with US researchers in two projects funded by (1) the USDA (AFRI Program) and (2) US grower check-off (United Soybean Board and North Central Soybean Program).