Many producers are looking for ways to get more production out of their land base. Any time land can be covered with a living crop reduces the potential for soil erosion, improves soil structure and reduces the potential off site movement of nutrients. Where livestock operations exist, planting winter cereals in the fall following corn silage, soybean or even grain corn harvest, provides the opportunity for additional forage harvested in early spring. Virtually no Ontario data exists to help guide producers trying to capitalize on this opportunity. New York State data suggest Triticale is the crop of choice, with early planting dates and fall nitrogen important to success (Kilcer, 2012). This trial is designed to evaluate the best winter cereal crop (rye, triticale, winter barley, wheat) and accompanying management practices to produce a spring forage crop and follow forage harvest with a grain crop planted after forage harvest. Early harvest and minimal impact on the subsequent crop will be key factors in making this option viable.